Snapshot V1.50
ขอ Note วิธีใช้งานไว้ก่อน
Snapshot V1.50 - Apr 3 2024 - Copyright 2001-2023 by
[backup a volume]
Snapshot C: X:\C-DRIVE.sna
-A - save ALL sectors, ignore free cluster info (maintenance)
-L650 - Limit resulting imagesize to 650MB (CDROM size)
-T - Test generated image file (verify correct checksums)
-W - suppress <Hit any key> if started from scheduler
-R - Empty Recycle Bin for this drive before Backup
-G - Graphical status display for command line mode
-PW=MyPassword (also used for restore and viewing)
-PWGEN=KeyFile.txt -PW=MyPassword - generate a key file from password
-PWUSE=KeyFile.txt - use KeyFile.txt to encrypt the image
-C="My comment" add a comment to the image
-o[path][filename] generate hash file with name "path\filename"
-o - don't generate hash file
-h<HashFile> make a differential image
[backup multiple volumes and drives without drive letters]
Snapshot C:+D:+HD1:3 X:\$disk-DRIVE.sna
HD1:3 is the third partition on the first disk
HD1:* can be used to backup all partitions on the first disk
Options for command line substitutions
Possible values for substitution are:
$disk is substituted with the drive letter
$hd is substituted with HdX-Y
$date results in 050131 which represents January 31 2005
$computername is substituted with the computername
$type results in "dif" or "ful" for differential or full image
$weekday is substituted with the first two characters of the Weekday
$week is substituted with the calendar week (2digits)
$year is substituted with the year (4 digits)
$month is substituted with the month (2 digits)
$day is substituted with the day of the month (2 digits)
$hour is substituted with the hour
$minute is substituted with the minute
$second is substituted with the second
$label= is substituted with the volume with label=Name
[restore a volume]
Snapshot X:\C-DRIVE.sna C:
-Y - Answers all questions automatically with "Yes"
[view a saved file]
Snapshot X:\C.sna Z: -V
explores X:\C.sna as virtual drive Z: (-VM for mount only)
(-VQ for mount only and wait for event. Use --unmount to terminate)
[generate a new hash file from a full image]
Snapshot X:\C.sna -h<HashFileName>
[info about a file] Snapshot X:\C-DRIVE.sna -I
[partition info ] Snapshot X:\C-DRIVE.sna -P
[validate file ] Snapshot X:\C-DRIVE.sna -T
16:08:16 End of Snapshot 1.50 [Apr 3 2024] at 7/5/2567
ดู Help
C:\Users\User\Desktop>"snapshot64 1.5.exe" -?
SCHEDULER — Geplante Tasks
Instead of developing yet another scheduler, we prefer to use the built-in Windows Scheduler; that’s one less thing to worry about.
Usage Win2000/WindowsXP (for WinNT4, use AT/WinAT):
Start -> Settings-> Control Panel-> Scheduled Tasks-> Add scheduled Task
Start->Settings->Control Panel->Scheduled Tasks->Add scheduled Task
[Browse] and insert “C:\Program Files\Snapshot\Snapshot.exe”
(*) weekly and
[*] Monday
[*] Friday und
enter a user name that has administrative rights on the local machine, and possibly can access (with this account) a network server.
[*] advanced properties, and [finish]
in the following dialog, enter:
[start] ‘c:\programs\snapshot\SNAPSHOT.exe C: X:\C-DRIVE.SNA
or (much more powerful and flexible)
[start] ‘cmd /c c:/programs/snapshot/SuperDuperBackup.BAT’’